DbContext in Entity Framework Database First

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Once we have these in place, then we can Write and execute queries against those models, which gets translated to the database query and executed. The returned results are Materialized and converted to entity objects. Any changes made to those entities are persisted back to the database.

For those who prefer a lighter option, Visual Studio Code is an excellent alternative with robust extensions for .NET Core. Understanding EF Core’s capabilities and limitations is key for architecting robust, scalable applications. Basically on the ObjectContext, when you do dot (.), everything is just right there which makes advantages of entity framework the list pretty huge. What the EF team actually wanted to expose on DbContext are entities which are only specific to your domain and rest of ability of the framework is tucked in under different properties. The optionsBuilder.IsConfigured returns a boolean value indicating whether any options have been configured.


In this Product model, the CategoryId property is a Foreign Key, and the Category property is a navigation property that references the Category class. In Entity Framework Core, models are C# classes that represent the data you will be working with. With the project created and EF Core integrated, you’re prepared to start developing your application’s core functionality. These commands add the core EF libraries and the SQL Server provider to your project.

what is dbcontext in entity framework

EF Core can work with existing databases using the Scaffold-DbContext command, which creates model classes from an existing database. After setting up your models and DbContext, you can then configure the Dependency Injection container to use your DbContext with the connection string defined earlier. The above commands generate SQL to create new tables corresponding to your models and apply them to the database.

Performing CRUD Operation

In our upcoming article, we will discuss more about this method. Let us understand the need and use of the DbContext Class with an example. At the root directory of your project, create a folder and name it as Entities.

It keeps track of the state of each entity via change tracker API. The state of the entity can be Added, Unchanged, Modified, deleted and detached etc. The context class is a most important class while working with EF 6 or EF Core. https://deveducation.com/ It represent a session with the underlying database using which you can perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Learn Entity Framework using simple yet practical examples on EntityFrameworkTutorial.net for free.

Handle Concurrency Conflicts by using optimistic concurrency tokens in your models, like a RowVersion property. When updates to an entity are not persisted, verify that SaveChanges() is being called and that no exceptions are being swallowed. By utilizing these advanced features and best practices, developers can create robust, maintainable applications.


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